our Fleet. Wedding
Retro car
Bus, Bus, Transfer
Limousines festive cortege
Car rental without driver
Decorations for cars
Organization of holidays
- 1. Wedding manager (wedding coordinator)
- 2. stylized wedding
- 3. Presenter, DJ, Tamada
- 4. Photo, Video
- 4.1 Aerial survey by quadrocopter
- 10. Chocolate Fountain/Wine Fountain
- 11. Animators for children
- 13. Living statues
- 15. Міми, Stilts
- 16. Storekeeper
- 17. Visiting ceremony
- 18. First Dance
- 18.1 Blooming flower
- 18.2 3D projection on a wedding cake
- 19. Fire Show
- 20. Neon Show
- 21. Burning Hearts and name
- 22. Sand Animation
- 24. Show bubbles
- 25. Barman show
- 26. Oriental Dance
- 27. Bands, cover, Impersonations
- 28. Друзі наречених на прокат
- 29. Picture zone
- 30. Service clotting wedding
- 31. Selfiе Mirror / Celphy Box
- 32. Dancing Cabaret Show
- 33.Balls for registration
- 34. Cakes/Baking
- 35. Laser show
- 36. Hookah for WEDDING / Lease of hookahs
Questions and answers
Interesting information
Contacts. Payments
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18. First DanceHeavy smoke, confetti, bubbles, fireworks, cold lights, fountains, sky lanterns, firecrackers, smoke bombs, ground fireworks. We will help make your first dance is more vivid and memorable!
View this post on InstagramСпецефекти першого танцю 0674055355 #димважкий #фонтани #конфеті #ikvaprokat
A post shared by Лімузин Феєрверк Важкий дим (@ikvaprokat) on
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Special Effects first dance Luck, setting the first wedding dance in Lutsk, heavy smoke at the first dance in Lutsk, Lutsk heavy smoke for the first dance, Order color heavy smoke on the first dance Luck, Luck order the confetti at the first dance soap bubbles for the first dance Luck, Luck smoke bombs, sky lanterns Luck, Luck ground fireworks, special effects Luck to the first dance, wedding, special effects Luck,
Special Effects first dance Ternopil, setting the first wedding dance in Ternopil, heavy smoke at the first dance in Ternopil, Ternopil heavy smoke for the first dance, Order color heavy smoke on the first dance Ternopil, Ternopil order the confetti at the first dance soap bubbles for the first dance Ternopil, Ternopil smoke bombs, sky lanterns Ternopil, Ternopil ground fireworks, Ternopil special effects for the first dance, special effects for wedding Ternopol,
Special Effects first dance Khmelnitsky, setting the first wedding dance in Brussels, heavy smoke at the first dance in the Khmelnytsky, Khmelnytsky heavy smoke for the first dance, Order color heavy smoke on the first dance Khmelnitsky, Khmelnitsky book confetti for the first dance soap bubbles for the first dance Khmelnitsky Khmelnitsky smoke bombs, sky lanterns Khmelnitsky, Khmelnitsky ground fireworks, special effects Khmelnitsky for the first dance, wedding, special effects Khmelnitsky
Special Effects first dance Lviv, setting the first wedding dance in Lviv, heavy smoke at the first dance in Lviv, Lviv heavy smoke for the first dance, Order color heavy smoke on the first dance Lviv, Lviv order the confetti at the first dance soap bubbles for the first dance of Lviv, Lviv smoke bombs, sky lanterns Lviv, Lviv ground fireworks, special effects Lviv for the first dance, special effects for weddings Lviv,
Special Effects first dance Chernivtsi, setting the first wedding dance in Chernivtsi, heavy smoke at the first dance in Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi heavy smoke for the first dance, Order color heavy smoke on the first dance Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi order the confetti at the first dance soap bubbles for the first dance Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi smoke bombs, sky lanterns Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi ground fireworks, special effects Chernivtsi before the first dance, wedding, special effects Chernivtsi,
Special Effects first dance Ivano-Frankivsk, setting the first wedding dance in Ivano-Frankivsk, heavy smoke at the first dance in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivsk heavy smoke for the first dance, Order color heavy smoke on the first dance, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivsk order confetti on first dance, bubbles for the first dance, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivsk smoke bombs, sky lanterns, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivsk ground fireworks, Ivano-Frankivsk special effects for the first dance, wedding, special effects Ivano-Frankivsk,
Special Effects first dance Uzhgorod, setting the first wedding dance Uzhgorod, heavy smoke at the first dance in Uzhgorod, Uzhgorod heavy smoke for the first dance, Order color heavy smoke on the first dance Uzhgorod, Uzhgorod book confetti for the first dance soap bubbles for the first dance Uzhgorod, Uzhgorod smoke bombs, sky lanterns Uzhgorod, Uzhgorod ground fireworks, special effects Uzhgorod the first dance, special effects for wedding Uzhgorod,
Special Effects first dance Chernivtsi, setting the first wedding dance in Chernivtsi, heavy smoke at the first dance in Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi heavy smoke for the first dance, Order color heavy smoke on the first dance Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi order the confetti at the first dance soap bubbles for the first dance Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi smoke bombs, sky lanterns Chernivtsi, Chernivtsi ground fireworks, special effects Chernivtsi before the first dance, wedding, special effects Chernivtsi,
Special Effects first dance Frankivsk, setting the first wedding dance Frankivsk, heavy smoke at the first dance at Frankivsk Frankivsk heavy smoke for the first dance, Order color heavy smoke on the first dance Frankivsk Frankivsk order the confetti at the first dance soap bubbles for the first dance Frankivsk Frankivsk smoke bombs, sky lanterns Frankivsk Frankivsk ground fireworks, special effects Frankivsk the first dance, wedding, special effects Frankivsk,
Special Effects first dance Zhitomir, setting the first wedding dance in Zhytomyr, heavy smoke at the first dance in Zhitomir, Zhytomyr heavy smoke for the first dance, Order color heavy smoke on the first dance Zhytomyr, Zhytomyr order the confetti at the first dance soap bubbles for the first dance Zhytomyr, Zhytomyr smoke bombs, sky lanterns Zhytomyr, Zhytomyr ground fireworks, Zhytomyr special effects for the first dance, special effects for wedding Zhitomir,
Heavy smoke, heavy smoke on the wedding, heavy smoke for the first dance, heavy smoke on the first dance, heavy dance and stage fountains, stage fountains heavy smoke, order heavy smoke, order heavy smoke on the wedding, order heavy smoke for heavy smoke, order heavy smoke on the first dance, order heavy smoke and stage fountains, order low smoke, low smoke, low smoke for the first dance, order low smoke for the first dance, stage smoke, order stage smoke, stage smoke for the first dance, order stage smoke for the first dance, ne cute dance + heavy smoke, order low smoke + heavy smoke, special effects to the first dance DUBNO, heavy smoke in Dubno, low smoke in Dubno, low mist generator, fresh smoke, sugar beet pulp Dubno, Dubno candy generator, salute Heavy smoke on the first dance Dubno, Order Everything for the First Dance of the Radvilov: Special Effects to the First Dance in Radvilov:
The heavy smoke of Radyviliv, Radyviliv Cold fountains, Confetti generator in Radyvilov, candy-sweets of Radivilov, Radiviliv snow, bubbles, colored torches of Radiviliv, add info by phone 067 405 53 55, Special effects for the First Dance in Sarny and the region, Order the heavy smoke of Sarny, heavy smoke at the wedding of Sarny, Sarny all the way to the first dance, organization of the first dance in Sarny, Confetti generator Sarny, Candy flutches, Low smoke, snow for the first dance of Sarny, heart for the first dance all information for tel 067 405 53 55, heavy smoke for the first dance of K. Ostopil, Cold fountains for the first dance Kostopil, special effects for the first dance in Kostopil, heavy smoke Kostopil, low smoke Kostopil, low fog generator Kostopil, candy and hopos Kostopil, candy generator Kostopil, salutes Heavy smoke on the first dance Kostopil +380 67 405 53 55 , Heavy Dme in Kremenets, Low Smoke in Kremenets, Cold Fountains Kremenets, Confetti Generator: There is a very large number of candy shapes and sizes. They can be in the form of hearts, asterisks, rectangles, butterflies, snowflakes, circles made of white, red, yellow, green. All to the first dance, order heavy smoke for wedding Lutsk, rent of heavy smoke Lutsk, rental of a candy generator in Lutsk, order sweets sweets not expensive Lutsk, Lutsk heavy smoke Lutsk, Lutsk cold fountains without smoke for wedding Lutsk, order cold fountains in Lutsk on wedding, wedding organization Lutsk, Lutsk low smoke, colored smoke, illumination of heavy smoke in Lutsk,
+380 67 405 53 55 Lutsk, Order from Kovel: Heavy smoke Kovel, Kovel cold fountains, sweets, snow Kovel, not expensive special effects to the first dance Kovel, rent of heavy smoke Kovel, snow, candy in Kovel, Kovel heavy smoke, Cold Fountains Kovel, Candy Chopoki Kovel, all additional information tel +380 67 405 53 55, buy heavy smoke, Korets, Korets special effects to the first dance, Korets Heavy Dym, Low smoke, cold fountains Korets, Confetti generator: There is a very large number shapes and sizes of candy. They can be in the form of hearts, stars, rectangles, butterflies, snowflakes, circles made of white, red, yellow, green, cold fountains without smoke, order cold fountains Korets, +380 67 405 53 55, order heavy smoke in Zdolbunov, Brody special effects to the first dance of Zdolbunov, heavy smoke, low smoke Zdolbuniv, cold fountains Zdolbunov, Confetti generator: There is a very large number of shapes and sizes of candy. They can be in the form of hearts, asterisks, rectangles, butterflies, snowflakes, circles made of white, red, yellow, green, cold fountains without smoke, order cold fountains in Zdolbunov, +380 67 405 53 55, order heavy smoke in Brody , Brodie special effects to the first dance, Heavy Dim Brody, Low smoke, cold Brody fountains,
Confetti Generator: There is a very large number of candy shapes and sizes. They can be in the form of hearts, asterisks, rectangles, butterflies, snowflakes, circles made of white, red, yellow, green, order special effects for the first dance of Slavuta, special effects to the first dance of Slavuta, heavy smoke for the first dance of Slavuta, heavy smoke in Slavuty, Low smoke for the first dance of Slavuta, Slavuta low mist generator, candy hops, candy generator, salute Heavy smoke on the first dance of Slavuta, Heavy smoke for the first dance of the Blades, Order cold fountains for the first dance in Klesev, Klesov cold and fountains, to order a candy generator in Klesev, Klesov candy generator, candy flakes, cold fountains in Klesev, to order by phone +380 67 405 53 55 Blades, Special Effects to the first dance Varash, Heavy Smoke in Varash, Low Smoke in Varash, Low Generator Fog in Varashi, Candy Hopushki Varash, Varash candy generator, salutes Heavy smoke on the first dance of Varash, Order special effects for the first dance in Varashi, Order heavy smoke in Brody, Brody special effects to the first dance, Heavy Dym, Low smoke, cold fountains Brody, Candy generator Brody: There is a d but plenty of confetti shapes and sizes. They can be in the form of hearts, asterisks, rectangles, butterflies, snowflakes, circles made of white, red, yellow, green … buy candy generator Brody, Brody h = heavy smoke, Brody heavy smoke at the wedding, order a candy generator Brodie