our Fleet. Wedding
Retro car
Bus, Bus, Transfer
Limousines festive cortege
Car rental without driver
Decorations for cars
Organization of holidays
- 1. Wedding manager (wedding coordinator)
- 2. stylized wedding
- 3. Presenter, DJ, Tamada
- 4. Photo, Video
- 4.1 Aerial survey by quadrocopter
- 10. Chocolate Fountain/Wine Fountain
- 11. Animators for children
- 13. Living statues
- 15. Міми, Stilts
- 16. Storekeeper
- 17. Visiting ceremony
- 18. First Dance
- 18.1 Blooming flower
- 18.2 3D projection on a wedding cake
- 19. Fire Show
- 20. Neon Show
- 21. Burning Hearts and name
- 22. Sand Animation
- 24. Show bubbles
- 25. Barman show
- 26. Oriental Dance
- 27. Bands, cover, Impersonations
- 28. Друзі наречених на прокат
- 29. Picture zone
- 30. Service clotting wedding
- 31. Selfiе Mirror / Celphy Box
- 32. Dancing Cabaret Show
- 33.Balls for registration
- 34. Cakes/Baking
- 35. Laser show
- 36. Hookah for WEDDING / Lease of hookahs
Questions and answers
Interesting information
Contacts. Payments
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Interesting informationSorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian and Russian.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian and Russian.
Want to make your birthday a truly memorable, bright and original? There is a terrific
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian and Russian.
1. One of the very important aspects of a successful photo – properly selected clothing.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian and Russian.
There are many different signs and superstitions. Someone they trust, someone or somehow useful to
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.
The most popular month for weddings – May and September. Have you planned a wedding
Towel. With it man lives from the beginning to the end of his life. Towels
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Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian and Russian.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Ukrainian.
1. Classic (traditional) marriage In this case it is the festival format, which is most
Once you’re married, your anniversary can become more important than birthdays and Christmas combined.
When you decide to go out with your friends, it is important that you have
Any time you need to travel from one location to another in Ukraine you can
A few tips for brides who want to get married in the summer 1. Flowers
When you choosing your wedding flowers bouquet compare with its own character – we will
The tradition of wedding ceremony for the newlyweds is not just a good old
Recently future couples began to pay more attention to yet one component of a perfect
Весільна сукня є, мабуть, найважливішим вбранням в житті дівчини, адже по тому, наскільки довго і
Часто ми не знаємо, що подарувати на весілля молодятам, але насправді, відповіді часто стоять прямо
Hairstyle for wedding Because there will not be another topic that causes so sincere interest,
Benediction – good wishes , strengthened religious act , such as the sign of the
Under present conditions for good preparation for a wedding takes a lot of time. If
Today , more and more prospective couples trying as carefully prepare for the wedding day
Program: Many graduates and want to be remembered and rush to the scene. With great
Кожне місто, кожен регіон і кожна, навіть найменша, місцевість нашої чудової і яскравої країни має
Ваші діти вирішили одружитися! Ми всі знаємо, що весілля – це чудово! І лише батьки
Undoubtedly, everyone at least once in their life has become yourself this question. Who posted
Once at school, a teacher asked children to transfer, that for them, to date, there
He said : “I like many women, I can not be only with one “.
Being a bridesmaid bride very nice and responsible mission . Typically, this role is selected
It is no secret that the groom is nervous and not less than the bride,
What a girl needs to get done before the wedding As a future bride should
Tradition bride old as he mating ritual. In modern bride wedding – only a game
Church forbade parents did not oppose the customs and mocked those who did not. Therefore
All guests at the wedding had and now have some ” wedding ranks ” because
Do you believe in folk beliefs or not, but the next selection , we believe,
Prior to the 17th century Ukrainian girls are the right guys to propose themselves .
Pre-wedding ceremonies are traditionally start matchmaking ( in some areas of eastern and southern Ukraine
There are many ethnic minority population lives on the territory of Ukrain. And all this
Offer to you to consider arguments which most often meet at neprikhil’nikiv of lease of
His unusual appearance in the early 20 – ies in America limousines are required to