our Fleet. Wedding
Retro car
Bus, Bus, Transfer
Limousines festive cortege
Car rental without driver
Decorations for cars
Organization of holidays
- 1. Wedding manager (wedding coordinator)
- 2. stylized wedding
- 3. Presenter, DJ, Tamada
- 4. Photo, Video
- 4.1 Aerial survey by quadrocopter
- 10. Chocolate Fountain/Wine Fountain
- 11. Animators for children
- 13. Living statues
- 15. Міми, Stilts
- 16. Storekeeper
- 17. Visiting ceremony
- 18. First Dance
- 18.1 Blooming flower
- 18.2 3D projection on a wedding cake
- 19. Fire Show
- 20. Neon Show
- 21. Burning Hearts and name
- 22. Sand Animation
- 24. Show bubbles
- 25. Barman show
- 26. Oriental Dance
- 27. Bands, cover, Impersonations
- 28. Друзі наречених на прокат
- 29. Picture zone
- 30. Service clotting wedding
- 31. Selfiе Mirror / Celphy Box
- 32. Dancing Cabaret Show
- 33.Balls for registration
- 34. Cakes/Baking
- 35. Laser show
- 36. Hookah for WEDDING / Lease of hookahs
Questions and answers
Interesting information
Contacts. Payments
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- For promotional purposes and to study the market, some prices for limousine and other cars as well as our services and products are written in U.S. dollars
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Europe-s← VideoСайт Europe-sСайт Vadl
How to choose a videographer.
Be sure to see the work , preferably with several weddings. Modern high-quality video includes work with special equipment and almost comparable to movies quality. Competent installation and work with multiple cameras will get a great result .
However, wedding video has some differences. First of all, be sure to discuss all aspects of the operator that will be displayed in a wedding film , namely meeting the bride and groom, wedding, painting, bridal walk, first dance , restaurant meal. Because the 3-5 minute clip can not fix the situation when the wedding video length to 1.5 hours will dull unsaturated events and inconsistent.
You have to remember that the wedding day – your and only your day and it should be based on your desires with your views of your preference. Therein lies the main work Videographer – transfer atmosphere of your wedding on video. And this is why a great pleasure to work with the newlyweds when the custom video they share their ideas but how they imagine their wedding, they want to see in it , ask what they can offer to the operator , only in such cases the wedding day will be what want to see it you .
Never stop on the first NEEDED popavshomusya need to search and select just those who are best suited to you .
And the main idea of our site both on video and in photo shooting is not something you necessarily ordered only us, but our commitment pidskazaty to help newlyweds choose really ” his “, what you really cease to please and a year later, and after 5, or even 10-20 years. A key to this result are your feelings, emotions , and of course the ability of the operator and photographer is to capture and to like the result to be not only you but also ourselves.
Professional video – it’s not just the ability to give sharpness, correct exposure and light display , insert special effects on the computer and see other sequence of frames .
Mounting – sense of tempo, rhythm and mood. http://www.europe-s.com/video/
Good cheap does not happen.
Remember: “The disappointment of buying cheap lasts longer than the pleasure of saving money.”